
Geotools.Geometries Namespace

Missing <summary> Documentation for Geotools.Geometries


Coordinate Coordinate is the lightweight class used to store coordinates.
Coordinates Coordinates class is a typed collection class for the Coordinate class.
Envelope An Envelope defines a rectangulare region of the 2D coordinate plane.
FlipYFilter The filter flips the Y coordinate.
Geometry A set of points.
GeometryCollection A Geometry that is a collection of one or more Geometries.
GeometryFactory Creates Geometries using a precision model and SRID.
IntersectionMatrix A Dimensionally Extended Nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) matrix.
LinearRing A linear ring is a line string whose start and end points have the same coordinates.
LineString A linestring consists of a set of two or more connected points.
MultiLineString A collection of linestrings.
MultiPoint A collection of points.
MultiPolygon A collection of polygons.
Point A Point comprised of a coordinate (x,y).
Polygon A polygon is a collection containing a least one linear ring for the shell of the polygon and 0-n linear rings for the interior holes.

All numerical computation takes place under some form of precision model. There are several possible types of precision models:

ProjectionFilter Projects the current geometry.
TopologyException The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal application error occurs related to Topology functionality.


ICoordinateFilterA Coordinate filter can either record information about each Coordinate or change the Coordinate in some way. Coordinate filters implement the interface CoordinateFilter.
ICurve A one-dimensional geometric object. Curves may not be degenerate. That is, non-empty Curves must have at least 2 points, and no two consecutive points may be equal.
IGeometry A set of points. The spatial relationship predicates (like disjoint) are based on the Dimensionally Extended Nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM). For a description of the DE-9IM, see the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL
IGeometryCollection A Geometry that is a collection of one or more Geometrys.
IGeometryComponentFilterA Component filter can either record information about each Component or change the Component in some way. Component filters implement the interface ComponentFilter.
IGeometryFilterA Geometry filter can either record information about each Geometry or change the Geometry in some way. Geometry filters implement the interface GeometryFilter.
ILinearRing A closed, simple LineString. Consecutive points are not allowed to be equal.
ILineString A Curve with linear interpolation between points.
IMultiCurve A GeometryCollection of Curves.
IMultiLineString A MultiCurve of LineStrings.
IMultiPoint A GeometryCollection of Points.
IMultiPolygon A MultiSurface of Polygons. MultiPolygons do not have cut lines, spikes or punctures.
IMultiSurface A GeometryCollection of Surfaces. The interiors of any two Surfaces do not intersect. Their boundaries may intersect, but only at a finite number of points.
IPoint A location in two-dimensional coordinate space. The boundary is the empty geometry. Points are simple.
IPolygon A simple, planar Surface bounded by one exterior LinearRing (the "shell") and zero or more interior LinearRings (the "holes").
ISurface A two-dimensional geometric object. For a discussion of the definition of surfaces, see OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL .