
ICurve Interface

A one-dimensional geometric object. Curves may not be degenerate. That is, non-empty Curves must have at least 2 points, and no two consecutive points may be equal.

For a list of all members of this type, see ICurve Members.

[Visual Basic]
Public Interface ICurve
Implements IGeometry
public interface ICurve : IGeometry


IsSimple returns true if the Curve does not pass through the same point more than once.

The boundary of a closed curve is the empty geometry. The boundary of a non-closed curve is the two endpoints.

For a precise definition of a curve, see the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL.


Namespace: Geotools.Geometries Namespace

Assembly: Geotools.dll

See Also

ICurve Members | Geotools.Geometries Namespace