A simple, planar Surface bounded by one exterior LinearRing (the "shell") and zero or more interior LinearRings (the "holes").
For a list of all members of this type, see IPolygon Members.
The shell and holes of a Polygon are LinearRings. The SFS definition of Polygon has the following implications:
Note that the SFS definition of Polygon differs from that in some other commonly used spatial models. For instance, the ESRI ArcSDE spatial model allows shells to self-intersect at vertices, but does not allow holes to touch the shell. The SFS and the ArcSDE model are equivalent in the sense that they allow describing exactly the same set of areas. However, they may require different polygon structures to describe the same area.
Polygons do not have cut lines, spikes or punctures.
Two boundary rings may intersect at one point at most.
Empty Polygons may not contain holes.
Since the shell and holes of Polygons are LinearRing s, there is no requirement on their orientation. They may be oriented either clockwise or counterclockwise.
For a precise definition of a polygon, see the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL .
Namespace: Geotools.Geometries Namespace
Assembly: Geotools.dll
IPolygon Members | Geotools.Geometries Namespace