
ILineString Interface

A Curve with linear interpolation between points.

For a list of all members of this type, see ILineString Members.

[Visual Basic]
Public Interface ILineString
Implements ICurve, IGeometry
public interface ILineString : ICurve, IGeometry


We are using the definition of LineString given in the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL . This differs in an important way from some other spatial models (e.g. the one use by ESRI ArcSDE). The difference is that LineStrings may be non-simple. They may self-intersect in points or line segments.

In fact boundary points of a curve (e.g. the endpoints) may intersect the interior of the curve, resulting in a curve that is technically topologically closed but not closed according to the SFS. In this case topologically the point of intersection would not be on the boundary of the curve. However, according to the SFS definition the point is considered to be on the boundary, and JTS follows this definition.

If the LineString is empty, isClosed and isRing return false.

A LineString is simple if it does not pass through the same point twice (excepting the endpoints, which may be identical)


Namespace: Geotools.Geometries Namespace

Assembly: Geotools.dll

See Also

ILineString Members | Geotools.Geometries Namespace