Creates a polygon given a linearring representing the shell of the polygon and an array of linearrings representing the interior holes of the polygon..
[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Function CreatePolygon( _
ByVal shell As LinearRing, _
ByVal holes As LinearRing() _
) As Polygon
Missing <returns> documentation for M:Geotools.Geometries.GeometryFactory.CreatePolygon(Geotools.Geometries.LinearRing,Geotools.Geometries.LinearRing[])
Missing <remarks> documentation for M:Geotools.Geometries.GeometryFactory.CreatePolygon(Geotools.Geometries.LinearRing,Geotools.Geometries.LinearRing[])
GeometryFactory Class | GeometryFactory Members | Geotools.Geometries Namespace | GeometryFactory.CreatePolygon Overload List