
Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems Namespace

Missing <summary> Documentation for Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems


AbstractInformation A class interface for metadata applicable to coordinate system objects.
AngularUnit The AngularUnit class holds the standard information stored with angular units.
AxisInfo Some commonly used axis information.
CompoundCoordinateSystem An aggregate of two coordinate systems (CRS).
CoordinateSystem Abstract class that other more specialized coordinate system inherit from.
CoordinateSystemEPSGFactory A factory class that creates objects using codes defined by the EPSG.
CoordinateSystemFactory Builds up complex objects from simpler objects or values.
Datum A set of quantities from which other quantities are calculated.
Ellipsoid The figure formed by the rotation of an ellipse about an axis.
FittedCoordinateSystem A coordinate system which sits inside another coordinate system. The fitted coordinate system can be rotated and shifted, or use any other math transform to inject itself into the base coordinate system.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the centre of the Earth.
GeographicCoordinateSystem A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
HorizontalCoordinateSystem A 2D coordinate system suitable for positions on the Earth's surface.
HorizontalDatum Procedure used to measure positions on the surface of the Earth.
LinearUnit Definition of linear units.
LocalCoordinateSystem A local coordinate system, with uncertain relationship to the world (Not implemented);
LocalDatum A local datum.
PrimeMeridian An object that represents a prime meridian.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem A 2D cartographic coordinate system
Projection A projection from geographic coordinates to projected coordinates.
VerticalCoordinateSystem A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for vertical measurements.
VerticalDatum Proceedure used to measure vertical distances.


IAngularUnit Definition of angular units.
IAxisInfo Details of axis. This is used to label axes, and indicate the orientation.
ICompoundCoordinateSystem An aggregate of two coordinate systems (CRS). One of these is usually a CRS based on a two dimensional coordinate system such as a geographic or a projected coordinate system with a horizontal datum. The other is a vertical CRS which is a one-dimensional coordinate system with a vertical datum.
ICoordinateSystem Base interface for all coordinate systems.
ICoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory Creates spatial reference objects using codes.
ICoordinateSystemFactory Builds up complex objects from simpler objects or values.
IDatum A set of quantities from which other quantities are calculated.
IEllipsoid An approximation of the Earth's surface as a squashed sphere.
IFittedCoordinateSystem A coordinate system which sits inside another coordinate system. The fitted coordinate system can be rotated and shifted, or use any other math transform to inject itself into the base coordinate system.
IGeocentricCoordinateSystem A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the center of the Earth.
IGeographicCoordinateSystem A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
IHorizontalCoordinateSystem A 2D coordinate system suitable for positions on the Earth's surface.
IHorizontalDatum Procedure used to measure positions on the surface of the Earth.
IInfo A base interface for metadata applicable to coordinate system objects.
ILinearUnit Definition of linear units.
ILocalCoordinateSystem A local coordinate system, with uncertain relationship to the world.
ILocalDatum Local datum.
IPrimeMeridian A meridian used to take longitude measurements from.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem A 2D cartographic coordinate system.
IProjection Gets number of parameters of the projection.
IUnit Base interface for defining units.
IVerticalCoordinateSystem A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for vertical measurements.
IVerticalDatum Procedure used to measure vertical distances.


ProjectionParameter A named projection parameter value.
WGS84ConversionInfo Parameters for a geographic transformation into WGS84.


AxisOrientation Describes the orienation of the axis.
DatumType Type of the datum expressed as an enumerated value.