Creates a fitted coordinate system (not implemented).
[Visual Basic]
NotOverridable Public Function CreateFittedCoordinateSystem( _
ByVal name As String, _
ByVal baseCS As ICoordinateSystem, _
ByVal toBaseWKT As String, _
ByVal arAxes As IAxisInfo() _
) As IFittedCoordinateSystem Implements _
Missing <returns> documentation for M:Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateFittedCoordinateSystem(System.String,Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems.ICoordinateSystem,System.String,Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems.IAxisInfo[])
The units of the axes in the fitted coordinate system will be inferred from the units of the base coordinate system. If the affine map performs a rotation, then any mixed axes must have identical units. For example, a (lat_deg,lon_deg,height_feet) system can be rotated in the (lat,lon) plane, since both affected axes are in degrees. But you should not rotate this coordinate system in any other plane.
CoordinateSystemFactory Class | CoordinateSystemFactory Members | Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems Namespace