
Geotools.Utilities Namespace

Missing <summary> Documentation for Geotools.Utilities


CoordinateArrayFilter A CoordinateArrayFilter returns an array containing every coordinate in a Geometry.
CoordinateCompare CoordinateCompare is used in the sorting of arrays of Coordinate objects. Implements a lexicographic comparison.
CoordinateCountFilter Determines the number of coordinates.
Degrees Converts degrees to radians.
Radians Converts radians to degress.
StreamTokenizer The StreamTokenizer class takes an input stream and parses it into "tokens", allowing the tokens to be read one at a time. The parsing process is controlled by a table and a number of flags that can be set to various states. The stream tokenizer can recognize identifiers, numbers, quoted strings, and various comment style
UniqueCoordinateArrayFilter Creates a new list of unique coordinates.


TokenType Represents the type of token created by the StreamTokenizer class.