Public Instance Constructors STRtree Overloaded. Initialize a new instance of the STRtree class.
Public Instance Methods
Build (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.Build
CheckConsistency (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.CheckConsistency
Equals (inherited from Object )Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
GetHashCode (inherited from Object )Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable
for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetNodeCapacity (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.GetNodeCapacity
GetType (inherited from Object )Gets the Type of the current instance.
Insert Overloaded. Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.Insert(Geotools.Geometries.Envelope,System.Object)
Query Overloaded. Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.Query(Geotools.Geometries.Envelope)
ToString (inherited from Object )Returns a String that represents the current Object .
Protected Instance Fields
_root (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for F:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree._root
Protected Instance Methods
BoundablesAtLevel (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.BoundablesAtLevel(System.Int32)
CompareDoubles (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.CompareDoubles(System.Double,System.Double)
CreateNode Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.CreateNode(System.Int32)
Creates the parent level for the given child level. First, orders the items
by the x-values of the midpoints, and groups them into vertical slices.
For each slice, orders the items by the y-values of the midpoints, and
group them into runs of size M (the node capacity). For each run, creates
a new (parent) node.
CreateParentBoundablesFromVerticalSlice Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.CreateParentBoundablesFromVerticalSlice(System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Int32)
Finalize (inherited from Object )Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before
the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetComparator Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.GetComparator
GetIntersectsOp Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.GetIntersectsOp
getRoot (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.getRoot
LastNode (inherited from AbstractSTRtree )Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.AbstractSTRtree.LastNode(System.Collections.ArrayList)
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object )Creates a shallow copy of the current Object .
VerticalSlices Missing <summary> documentation for M:Geotools.Index.STRTree.STRtree.VerticalSlices(System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Int32)
See Also STRtree Class | Geotools.Index.STRTree Namespace