
Geotools.IO Namespace

Missing <summary> Documentation for Geotools.IO


BigEndianBinaryReader Extends the BinaryReader class to allow reading of integers in the Big Endian format.
BigEndianBinaryWriter Extends the BinaryWriter class to allow the writing of integers in the Big Endian format.
CoordinateSystemWktReader Creates an object based on the supplied Well Known Text (WKT).
CoordinateSystemWktWriter Writes a coordinate system object out as Well Known Text (WKT).
CoordinateSystemXmlReader Creates an object based on the supplied XML.
CoordinateSystemXmlWriter Writes a coordinate system object out as XML.
GeometryDataReaderMissing <summary> documentation for T:Geotools.IO.GeometryDataReader
GeometrySvgWriter The SVG Writer outputs the textual representation of a Geometry object.
GeometryWkbReader Converts a Well-known Binary string to a Geometry.
GeometryWkbWriter Converts a Well-known Binary string to a Geometry.
GeometryWktReader Converts a Well-known Text string to a Geometry object.
GeometryWktWriter Outputs the textual representation of a Geometry object.
ParseException The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal application error occurs related to Parse functionality.
WktStreamTokenizer Reads a stream of Well Known Text (wkt) string and returns a stream of tokens.


IGetGeometryMissing <summary> documentation for T:Geotools.IO.IGetGeometry