
Geotools.Data Namespace

Missing <summary> Documentation for Geotools.Data


DbaseFieldDescriptor Class for holding the information assicated with a dbase field.
DbaseFileHeader Class for holding the information assicated with a dbase header.
DbaseFileReader Class that allows records in a dbase file to be enumerated.
DbaseFileWriter This class aids in the writing of Dbase IV files.
MultiLineHandler Converts a Shapefile multi-line to a OGIS LineString/ MultiLineString.
PointHandler Converts a Shapefile point to a OGIS Point.
PolygonHandler Converts a Shapefile point to a OGIS Polygon.
Shapefile This class is used to read and write ESRI Shapefiles.
ShapefileDataReader Creates a IDataReader that can be used to enumerate through an ESRI shape file.
ShapefileHeader Class that represents a shape file header record.
ShapefileReader This class represnts an ESRI Shapefile.
ShapefileWriter This class writes ESRI Shapefiles.
ShapeHandler Abstract class that defines the interfaces that other 'Shape' handlers must implement.


IGetGeometryMissing <summary> documentation for T:Geotools.Data.IGetGeometry


RowStructure Implements ICustomTypeDescriptor so we can simulate a row object having a property for every field.


ShapeType The values used in the .shp file to represent the type of shape.