Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems. (not implemented)
[Visual Basic]
NotOverridable Public Function CreateFromCoordinateSystems( _
ByVal sourceCoordinateSystem As ICoordinateSystem, _
ByVal targetCoordinateSystem As ICoordinateSystem _
) As ICoordinateTransformation Implements _
Missing <returns> documentation for M:Geotools.CoordinateTransformations.CoordinateTransformationFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems.ICoordinateSystem,Geotools.CoordinateReferenceSystems.ICoordinateSystem)
This method will examine the coordinate systems in order to construct a transformation between them. This method may fail if no path between the coordinate systems is found, using the normal failing behavior of the DCP (e.g. throwing an exception).
CoordinateTransformationFactory Class | CoordinateTransformationFactory Members | Geotools.CoordinateTransformations Namespace