
NonRobustCGAlgorithms Class

Implemention of the CGAlgorithms using non-robust algorithms.

For a list of all members of this type, see NonRobustCGAlgorithms Members.


[Visual Basic]
Public Class NonRobustCGAlgorithms
Inherits CGAlgorithms
public class NonRobustCGAlgorithms : CGAlgorithms


Geometric algorithms involve a combination of combinatorial and numerical computation. As with all numerical computation using finite-precision numbers, the algorithms chosen are susceptible to problems of robustness. A robustness problem occurs when a numerical calculation produces an inexact answer due to round-off errors. Robustness problems are especially serious in geometric computation, since the numerical errors can propagate into the combinatorial computations and result in complete failure of the algorithm.


Namespace: Geotools.Algorithms Namespace

Assembly: Geotools.dll

See Also

NonRobustCGAlgorithms Members | Geotools.Algorithms Namespace